Fact emerged that A young medical doctor, Megafu Chinelo, who was killed on Monday in the Abuja-Kaduna train attack was meant to travel out of the country on Friday, Sahara Reporters reports.
The gunmen were said to have blown up the rail track after which they launched an attack on the passengers.
The dentist was one of the over 970 passengers on board when the terrorists attacked the train.
Shortly after the attack, Chinelo took to her Twitter page at 9:43 pm asking Nigerians to pray for her.
“I’m in the train. I have been shot please pray for me,” she had tweeted.
Taking to Twitter on Tuesday, a friend of the deceased said, “Dr Chinelo was making an honest living, she was working at St Gerald’s hospital in Kaduna, she wanted more for herself and processed her papers to leave this hell-hole.
“She resigned last month to leave the country this Friday then this happened. Nigeria why???”
Speaking to SaharaReporters, another friend of the deceased said, “Yes, it’s true, though I don’t know when she was meant to leave. May her soul Rest In Peace.”
The Nigeria Railway Corporation, NRC, has suspended its Abuja-Kaduna train service after terrorists blew off its train on Monday night, killing and injuring some passengers in the process.
The NRC made the announcement in a terse statement on its Twitter page.
In the ill-fated train, many are feared kidnapped and two confirmed dead, while others sustained injuries during the attack.
The NRC wrote on Tuesday, “Dear passengers, due to unforeseen circumstances, train operations along the Abuja-Kaduna route has been temporarily suspended.
“Further communication would be given in due course.”
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