…Tells those who purchased forms to step down
As the race for the 2023 Presidential Election gathers momentum across Nigeria, Northern based groups under the aegis of Arewa Coalition for Rotational Presidency (ACRP) have come out strongly against aspirants from the North, saying it would be unfair for north to retain power after eight years.
The group also vowed to practically rise and mobilize against all Presidential candidates from the North,who dared to contest under any political party during the general elections.
n statement jointly signed by the Chairman and Secretary of ACRP, Comrade Abdullahi Biu and Hamza Malumfashi said it will be fair and just for the seat of the President to return to the South after President Muhammadu Buhari from the North, would have spent two terms of eight years in power.
According to the group ,the current political tension stirred up by the call for power shift to the south by Southern Governors and groups can only be doused , when all Stakeholders from the North, Governors and political parties agree to zone the Presidency to South .
The Statement further reads : “In the interest of peace ;equity and Justice, more so, that the north has been in power for eight years now, the idea of north even contesting for the highly exalted position of the President should be immediately jettisoned.
“All those who picked nomination forms, especially from the People’s Democratic Party should step down if they are true democrats .
“As a group of democrats from the 19 Northerner states, we strongly believe in the principle of equity and fairness as a panacea for peace ; progress and, thus our resolve support rotation of power to our brothers in the southern region.
“It is against this background that we are advising all the political parties , especially the two major parties, APC and PDP to field only southern Candidates”.
(The Sun)
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