Former Governor of Anambra State Peter Obi has described as shocking the recent terror attacks on Kaduna Airport and an Abuja-Kaduna bound train, with several persons reportedly abducted.
Obi described the worsening level of insecurity across the country as depressing and disheartening.
In a statement from his Media Director, Valentine Obienyem, the presidential aspirant lamented that the terror attacks in Kaduna and different parts of the country have become very worrisome and should serve as wake up call to the government to beef up the country’s security architecture and be more proactive in handling security issues.
Obi further stated that the challenges of insecurity will be too much of a burden on Nigerians already battling with hardship and poverty. He explained that the worsening insecurity situation further aggravates the negative performance of Nigeria’s economy.
While condoling with the families of the bereaved and sympathising with the traumatized passengers, Obi urged the different security agencies in the country to remain resolute in the fight against terrorism in the country.
He called on Nigerians to eschew all forms of violence and terrorism, while encouraging everyone to remain security conscious for the good of society.
(Romanus Ugwu via The Sun)
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