A People’s Democratic Party (PDP) presidential aspirant, Nwachukwu Anakwenze, has promised to give premium to the unity of the country if elected president in 2023.
Anakwenze made the promise on Monday after obtaining his Expression of Interest and nomination forms at the PDP national secretariat.
The presidential hopeful, who said he is the most qualified person for the PDP ticket, also promised to accord priority to youth development and empowerment.
According to him, ‘what we want is true democracy and freedom for all Nigerians and Africans. We want to stand for democracy and fair play for all. We will promote good religion, we will promote good politics, not religious politics but politics that will lift Nigeria, African people, black women, to be one of the top countries in the whole world.
‘We want every ethnic group to feel they have a stake in the future of the country. We envision a Nigeria where every ethnic group will have a sense of belonging and not be marginalised, where the governed have trust in the governance and the governance truly believe they can vote.
‘Our vision is for one united Nigeria, irrespective of where you are from. My Presidency will involve everybody, from every tribe, religion and there will be no discrimination.
‘We have everything, our young people are very intelligent and God has given us all the resources, everything. We don’t have tornados or hurricanes; we don’t have fire. God gave us everything, favoured us but it is our people that are not taking care of the people.’
Anakwenze, speaking on his chances to clinch the PDP presidential ticket, challenged all the other aspirants to show their academic qualifications for the citizens to assess.
‘I told you my idea is superior to all these people combined and I am more experienced and qualified in education than them. I have three certificates – a PhD in Medicine, a Master’s in Public Health and Master’s in Business Administration.
‘Tell them to bring their certificates to compare. Tell them to show me what they have built for themselves and run other than just getting a job, sitting down and collecting a salary. What have they built for themselves? I will rebuild Nigeria using the young people,’ the presidential aspirant stated.
(The Sun)
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