The Edo House of Assembly, yesterday, passed the bill for a law to prohibit open grazing of cattle and regulate other livestock in the state, with the law empowering the state governor to designate a land for ranching.
The motion to dissolve the house into committee of the whole was moved by the deputy speaker, Roland Asoro and seconded by the the member representing (PDP Esan North East 1) Francis Okiye for consideration of the bill clause by clause at the committee of the whole.
Thereafter, the lawmakers passed relevant sections of the bill with amendments to sections 5(7) and 5(8).
The amendment to section 5 (7) now reads that a ranch committee to be constituted by the governor shall determine the size of the land suitable for ranching in conjunction with the community where the ranch is proposed.
Section 5 (8) was also amended to read that the committee shall control the activities of cattle herdsmen within various communities.
Section eight, however, prohibits open grazing in the state.
According to the bill, Section 9(1) empowered the state governor to designate a land for ranching in the state.
Section 9(2)in the bill stated that an owner of a land shall apply to the committee in writing of his intention to operate a ranch with his land.
The speaker Marcus Onobun, thereafter directed the clerk, Yahaya Omogbai to give the bill its third reading and forward clean copies of the bill to the governor for his assent.
Recall that a provision of 20 percent of community land in the earlier version of the bill had last week led to protest by civil society groups in the state but new version of the law is however silent on the size of land for ranching.
Meanwhile, the House has received copies of the constitution alteration bills (fifth alteration bill), 2022 for its consideration.
This article is from Tony Osauzo, Benin via The Sun
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