The Minister of Labour and Employment, Senator Chris Ngige, stated is making consultations with political leaders and would make his intentions on the 2023 presidency known during Easter period.
The minister spoke at the Anambra office of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Employment in Awka at the weekend when he gave out empowerment facilities to members of the All Progressives Congress in the state.
Ngige said, “We’ve started political talks again. Please, give me around Easter where we’re going to have another session like this to discuss your request.
“I’m still consulting the political leaders in the country on your request, by that time I will decide, I know it’s my right to decide on that. I will take such decision at the appropriate time.”
A group of Anambra women led by Nancy Okafor had asked Ngige to declare for the presidency, adding that he was the right person from the South-East for the position.
Okafor said, “We don’t want to wait for three months for you to decide whether to run or not, we’re mandating you to throw your hat in the ring for that position.”
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