By Banner Obinna
The pictures you may have seen online as regards to Aba, Abia state, Nigeria, is little or nothing compared to the condition of Aba. Our little voices seems not to be heard. The condition of Aba is unfortunate and unimaginable.
Personally, I just couldn’t believe that someone from the same senatorial zone was elected governor for over 6 years now. Every inch and corner in Aba is littered with filth and filtrates of frustration. Words can’t describe the deplorable condition of the city. If you can, please in what ever capacity, let the world know that State of emergency should be declared on Aba, this is not just for the terrible environmental degradation, but for every sector. Please just do your private investigation. I’m not a politician nor after any politician, I simply couldn’t believe that people exist in such conditions. So many roads, in fact, every road in Aba is un-motorable. Roads like Faulks road, Omuma road, old express road, uratha road, Ariaria market, gas line, New Market road, etc, are to mention but a few state roads that can’t even be walked on foot.
Ebonyi that is assumed to be a rural state is now a paradigm of good governance in terms of infrastructure. The current state of Aba is a precedence Orji Kalu and his evil family set; corruption, political assassination, poor infrastructure, media campaign of calumny and propaganda, “fake China” roads, political godfatherism, nepotism, political decimation, environmental degradation and rottenness, media government, extortion, multiple and over taxation … Etc.. People have been so frustrated to submission.
Abia is a Shame. I feel so sad to know that I’m an indigene of that State. I visited Aba recently, I cried on the road. Before I could get to my destination, my entire cloth and shoe were soiled with dirty mud. I couldn’t hold my tears.
Aba that should be commercial hub is left to rotten. T. A Orji and his son who is the current speaker now holds the state to ransom.
I remembered when I was growing up in the early 1990s, how taxi ply through omuma road, old express road, faulks road, Ariaria, uratha road, Port Harcourt road etc; you can’t even walk these places on foot now. It is worst and can only be described as disaster during rainy season. Forests have grown on the roads, and Children now go for hunting and fishing on the abandoned roads. I remember the public piped water system that even flow into our kitchen, toilets and bath rooms. I remembered the many small scale industries along the roads and streets of Aba. I remembered the flourishing business activities in Ariaria, Ahia-ohuru market, cemetery market, etc. I remembered the agricultural activities, when farmers bring garri ngwa, plantain, red oil, fruits and vegetables to Aba to sell very cheap. I remembered the very efficient drainage, sanitary and waste management system. I remembered the night life. I remembered the once fully equipped and efficient General hospital Aba, where I took my immunizations. I remembered that glorious government college umuahia, Ngwa high school Aba, National high school Aba, and all the powerful boys high schools and girls high schools in Aba that produced the likes of Abaribe, Kingsley moghalu, etc; All these schools are in a deplorable condition now. Please after your investigation, or pay a visit. just make enquiries if can you in honesty compare the condition of these schools in 1998 and now?
The only standing legacy of Orji Uzor Kalu is Bakasi Boys, gboro pit, demonic sacrifices and “mama-crazy”. The only standing legacy of T A Orji is Okija shrine and the institution of a political legion of doom. The only standing legacy of Ikpazu is drunkenness, very poor infrastructure and 30 months unpaid salaries of health workers and civil servants. There is just nothing to show that Abia state is an oil producing state, receiving their monthly allocations and oil derivatives, and NDDC project allocations. There is nothing to show for all the extortions in the name of internally generated revenue. There is nothing to show to encourage hard-working men and women who toil day and night under government negligence to feed their poor families. There is nothing to show that we have senators, and representatives in national assembly. Just wickedness. Prominent indegenes have abandoned the state to foreigne nations and cannot return home to participate in politics out of fear. This current stupid governor couldnt not complete any single reasonable project if not for pouring bitumen on red mud in the name of paved road. He couldn’t even dualize or pave the road that crossed his father’s compound. Abia and particularly Aba can not be placed anywhere near developing cities. We have not benefitted anything from Government. We were set behind for other states that were previously tagged as rural states to over take. Aba is far more better in terms of infrastructure and environmental development in 1998 than now. As at 1998, you cannot match Aba with Asaba, Abakiliki, Awka, Nsuka, Afikpo, Orlu, etc in terms of urbanization; the once glorious Aba is now an eyesore. All through my schooling I never received any form of bursary like students from other oil producing states. I never received any form of scholarship or assistance, not even a free cup of water. Aba is horror. Please pay a visit. We’re in dry season now, at least you will see where to step your feet.
In your own capacity, please help us. Please
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