Over three civilians have been killed while several others have sustained injuries in attacks on Rumache-Madalla community in Bassa/Kukoki Ward, Shiroro Local Government Area of Niger State.
Many others were abducted during the attack which took place Thursday afternoon.
Sani Abubakar Yusuf Kokki, Co-convener, Concerned Shiroro Youths Of Niger State, told our correspondent that the bandits attacked the community with sophisticated weapons.
“During the deadly encounter, about three people were gruesomely killed, while many others were abducted. Those who sustained multiple gunshots injuries are currently on admission at various medical facilities within relatively secure areas of the local government, and are responding to treatment,” he said
Kokki said kidnap for ransom has become common a phenomenon in the localities.
“These rampaging criminals attack us at will, ironically and unfortunately in some cases without slightest hindrance, resistance or confrontation from the security. Sadly, defenseless, unarmed and peaceful locals have been crassly abandoned to their fate wallowing in perpetual agony.”
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