By Uche Mefor
As the message of Biafra Restoration is the same—-which is FREEDOM—- there is agreement across board and this fact is not contentious among all pro-Biafra groups.
We have above and among every other chosen non-violence, lawful, legitimate self-defence where it becomes an absolute necessity and as permissible, under the law, religious freedom, collaboration, inclusion of and consultation with proposed component units and stalkholders ; economic development and recognition of democratic values in Biafraland including referendum; and as a guide—–the adoption of the provisions of the Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States,1933 on attainment of statehood (the Declaratory Theory ) and its complementary Constitutive Theory requirements in international law as the PATHWAY AND ROADMAP with reference to our quest for self-determination.
In practical sense, and for Biafra to be restored, there must be the following:
1. Defined territory called Biafra, even if the territory is disputed
2. Settled population for Biafra
3.Effective government for Biafra
4.Capacity for Biafra to enter into international relations with other states or countries.
All these boxes must be ticked.These are the irreducible minimum!
THE issue of RECOGNITION— the CONSTITUTIVE THEORY– is to be dealt with at a later stage.
Furthermore, and in so far as it is possible, we shall continue to frown at bad governance in Biafraland, but embrace good governance and genuine democratic ethos. We shall collaborate and participate to such an extent as to and in so far as to ensure the fulfillment of these requirements of statehood (as accepted as part of customary international law) with the democratic actors, institutions, and agencies in Biafraland in order to advance the cause of Biafra Restoration. We shall comit and entrench collegiate , democratic approach to decision-making to reflect the modern and contemporary best practice in international law and again, with reference to self-determination.
Every component units or nations of Biafra with due consultation shall be in charge of her social, political and economic future safe for where there is a consensus for co-operation in the collective, national interest and which shall be evidenced in a ratified detailed documentatoon that could be found in “THE GUIDE/BLUE PRINT/MANUAL FOR BIAFRA—–OUR HERITAGE”. This document shall be subject to amendment where necessary if and when collectively agreed.
At the present, the media has been used to educate, inform and enlighten both domestically and internationally and must be sustained.
The moral argument on Biafra has been won. But to complete the Biafra Restoration Project, the politico-legal argument must also be won. We must be at the centre of decision-making in Biafraland, our territory. We must be in charge, otherwise, the minority political class installed by the Nigerian state(by Abuja) will continue to take decisions on our behalf. As it is in our situation and circumstance, and as stated elsewhere, our parhway/roadmap must be the fulfilment of the basic requirements of statehood (namely, defined territory, settled population, effective government and capacity to enter into international relationship with other countries.) .These are the basics and if we cannot tick these boxes, then we have not started. The first two are within sight if we work hard(involves consultation with all component units of Biafra).
The last two requirements are what we have continued to shy away from but expect total independence while we know that it is the key. Even if Nigeria collapses today, all these basic requirements must be there before talking of realisation of the State of Biafra. If we continue to shy away, we shall continue to go in circles and shall continue to be seen as a group of powerful pressure grassroots movements( pressure group) or a powerful protest group capable of raking havoc socially, have moral support and confidence of the Biafran masses but lack the political mandate to turn things around and represent our people.
If pro-Biafra groups can make compelling argument, command the loyalty of the people and secure their moral support/vote of confidence, call for civil disobedience actions and they are obeyed and carried out , why can the pro-Biafra groups then turn that moral mandate to political mandate once and for all and democratically elect/put their people in government in Biafraland? For those who shoot guns, and use firearms illegally, why don’t you commit those energies to legitimate use in self-defence to protect your democratic rights?
Can’t sit-at-home be used to extract compliance from those in power for Biafrans to participate in the governance of their territory? Can sit-at-home be used to demand free and fair election in Biafraland and for the purposes of installing pro-Biafra respresentives in Biafran territories? Can’t Biafrans use their numbers and capacity to protect their votes in Biafraland? Can Biafrans sponsor candidates with existing political or use independent candidates and vote for them in Biafraland and if rigged out declare a parallel government? Can’t Biafrans interface with already existing political parties in Biafraland.
Can’t Biafrans register political parties? Can’t Biafrans begin to have conversations around all these? It is the time for pro-Biafra groups to engage in and embrace the democratic process in Biafraland with a view to fulfilling the primary level criteria of the “effective government ” requirement of the Montevideo Convention or continue to go round in circles. For those who are concerned of being rigged out, let me state that there is level of overwhelming votes and support of the people that cannot be rigged or overturned.
The just concluded Anambra State gubernatorial election is a case in hand. Denial of Biafrans the right to participate in the democratic process leading to the governance of their ancestral land in addition to decades of systematic human rights violations against them by the Nigerian state would amount to exclusion and discrimination that would put Nigeria on the spotlight and further buttresses the audacity and compelling, commanding unassailability of the Biafra case.
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